The Science Behind Yoga: How It Enhances Physical Health and Longevity

The Science Behind Yoga

The Science Behind Yoga: How It Enhances Physical Health and Longevity


सत्त्वशुद्धिसौमनस्यैकाग्र्येन्द्रियजयात्मदर्शनयोग्यता नि:सङ्गत्वानि च। ( ref. Yoga Sutra 2.41) 

(Transliteration:Sattvaśuddhi-saumanasya-ikāgrya-indriyajaya-ātma-darśana-yogyatā niḥsaṅgatvāni ca.)

The above Sanskrit verse derived from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali simply means that “ Purity of mind, cheerfulness, mastery over the senses, focused concentration, and readiness for self -realization are achieved through the discipline of Yoga.” Hence, the science behind yoga is responsible for purifying the body and mind, which indirectly contributes to physical health and longevity by creating balance and harmony. Yoga is responsible for regenerating and strengthening the innate immune system, also some of the asanas, focused on cardiovascular exercise, improves the cardiovascular system and circulatory system. 

योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्। ( ref. Bhagavad Gita 2.50

(Transliteration: Yogaḥ karmasu kauśalam.)

The above Sanskrit verse has been derived from Bhagavad Gita that simply points out that Yoga is the art of skillful action. Although this verse emphasizes yoga as a mindful and balanced approach to life, in depth, it represents the harmony and efficiency that yoga brings leading to holistic well-being. The Science behind yoga is inclusive of physical and mental resilience. 

  • Yoga’s impact on Cardiovascular and Circulatory Health

Yoga comprises gentle yet effective exercises responsible to improve cardiovascular system and circulatory system, resulting from promotion of blood circulation, reducing blood pressure and lowering heart rate. Yoga’s emphasis on deep breathing through “Pranayama” enhances oxygenation in the blood, reducing strain on the heart. Additionally, “Hatha Yoga”  and restorative yoga are responsible for maintaining heart health and stress resilience. 

  • Musculoskeletal Strength and Flexibility Enhancement

Yoga composes of various postures or “Asanas” that help in building strength by engaging multiple muscle groups. The dynamic stretches improve flexibility by gradually lengthening muscles that increases the range of motion in joints. Such flexibility enhancement helps reduce the injury risks and also maintain mobility at the older ages. 

  • Innate Immune System Strengthening

Chronic stress has been the major responsible factor to harm the immune system of any individual. Yoga practice in the form of meditation is responsible to lower cortisol level and also increase the activity of natural killer(NK cells), that are responsible to revive innate immune system and strengthen it to fight against infections and prevent the onset of chronic diseases. 

  • Chronic Pain and Inflammation Management

Yoga serves as the best means to reduce chronic pain and inflammation through gentle movements and mindful approach by boosting the body’s autonomous healing and also pain and inflammation management through stress reduction and hormonal balance. 

  • Hormonal Balance Regulation

Yoga comprises of various poses which are effective for particular body parts to be focused on. In case of Hormonal Balance Regulation, specific poses can be practiced emphasizing on stimulation of glands like thyroid, pituitary and adrenal ensuring optimal hormone production and secretion. 

  • Digestive Health Support

Along with various yoga Asanas, right breathing exercises are responsible for proper oxidation enhancing digestion as well as nutrient absorption, which helps in relieving bloating, constipation and acid reflux, hence supporting digestive health of an individual. 

  • Yoga’s role in Mental Health and Longevity

The incorporation of physical health with Mental health via Yoga practices can be achieved through regular yoga postures and meditation to reduce anxiety, depression and improve focus and memory, ultimately leading to overall good health and longevity. 

  • Celllular Longevity Encouragement through telomere Protection 

Regularly practicing yoga and meditation have a long term positive effect on cellular longevity by reduction of stress and inflammation and protection of telomere responsible for cellular aging and risk of diseases.

  • Holistic Lifestyle Creation for Longevity

Since Yoga is the combination of physical practice as well as mindfulness and healthy eating, simply the ethical way of living, it is possible to adopt a holistic lifestyle through a balanced diet, cultivating positive relationships that ultimately leads to healthier life and longevity. 


For the achievement of one’s goal either physical, mental or spiritual healing and enhancement, practicing yoga by learning from the right practitioners of Bodhidham Yoga School and spiritual Retreat Ashram is the key. The incorporation of yoga and meditation into daily life serves as a comprehensive tool for a healthier life. The science behind yoga for enhancement of physical health and longevity comprises of combination of gentle postures to right way of breathing and developing healthy eating habits. Get in touch with the experienced masters of Bodhidham to consult about the services and planning your journey into healthy living and longevity. 

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